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Youth Programs

Hand in hand with helping in the college process, is our guide of bay-area programs and internships for youth. Having variety with the use of your time, and having impact to show for it is something we recommend on your journey to college. Below is a curated list. If you would like to recommend any, feel free to contact us!

Adopt An Alleyway


Referred to as AAA or Triple A, Adopt an Alleyway was was founded in 1991 by Reverend Norman Fong and eight other high school students. Originally, AAA worked to beautify Chinatown by  cleaning up the its alleyways, but now AAA has expanded to include various service and learning opportunities with Chinatown elderly community and younger children from low-income families. 

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Volunteering at AAA gives youth a chance to bring smiles to parents and their children through our service events Super Sunday and Tenant Services where we plan arts and crafts, mini-games, and other action packed activities for them to enjoy.


Youth for Single Room Occupancy

Youth for Single Room Occupancy

More commonly know as YSRO, Youth for Single Room Occupancy offers seniors living in Single Room Occupancies a chance to leave their cramped 10x10 apartment complexes every month and enjoy lessons, bingo, and a digital literacy lesson every month during the Intergeneration event. The program was originally started to give Chinese Immigrants who recently immigrated a chance to develop their core leadership skills.

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Volunteering at Youth for Single Room Occupancy gives youth a chance to bond with those from a different generation. Feeling the appreciation from the seniors of the Chinatown community is an experience you get every month.


Chinatown Alleyway Tours


Known as CATs this program gives the youth to develop their public speaking skills and get out of their comfort zone while making money. CATs introduces youth to the workforce by giving them a job as a tour guide. By joining CATs you will develop confidence in your own voice and build a foundation for your skills.

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CATs is currently opened up to sign ups for its fast track program, a summer commitment where youth will learn the ropes of Chinatowns history and develop a base for giving tours of its alleyways. This is an opportunity to develop your skills and learn more about Chinatowns 150-year history of shaping California politics.


Campaign Academy

Campaign Academy

Campaign Academy is a youth-led advocacy program, and a year long commitment to community service. Youth in this program plan and execute campaigns, and receive peer development and leadership opportunities. Members also select main topics of focus, and develop community outreach and service activities. Supported by the numerous training workshops and retreats by CCDC Youth staff and graduates.

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Campaign Academy is a transformative experience that empowers the youth of San Francisco to use their voices and fight for policies that shape our community. Join Campaign Academy in creating a powerful movement that drives change and makes a lasting impact.

Image by Wes Hicks
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