加州州立大学 (CSU) 是一所州立教育机构,学生群体广泛而多样。CSU 系统在加州有 23 个校区,每个校区都专门满足学生的需求,无论是广泛还是狭隘。然而,虽然 CSU 系统对所有人开放,但 Firecracker Youth 了解 CSU 申请可能是一个困难的过程,我们随时为您提供帮助。下面,我们提供了 CSU 申请的分步指南,确保您可以最大限度地提高录取和脱颖而出的机会!
2.50+ GPA A-G Requirements
Required Paperwork:
Annual income
Social Security Number
Citizenship status
Parent/Legal guardian information
Scores and dates of standardized tests
List of extracurricular work, responsibilities, and activities
Academic honors and achievements
CSU Application Guide
Step 1) Go to the CSU website and press “Apply”.
Step 2) Select the term you are applying for and press the red “Apply” button (Scroll if you can't find the "Apply" button).
Step 3) Press “Create Account”.
Step 4) Fill in the blank sections marked by a red asterisk (*) and agree to the terms and services. When you are done, press “Create Account”.
Step 5) Fill out the "Extended Profile" section, filling every blank section marked by a red asterisk (*). When you're finished, press "Save Changes".
Step 6) Head to “Add Program” and add your desired programs. Be sure to research any college or major you're applying to! When you are finished, press "Continue to my application".
Step 7) Go through each section of “My Application”, filling out your “Personal Information”, “Academic History”, “Supporting Information”, and “Program Materials”.
Step 8) Go to “Submit Application” and submit your application.
如果您是低收入的第一代学生,我们强烈建议您申请并加入教育机会计划 (EOP)。通过选择加入 EOP,您可以访问有助于您取得成功的大学资源,包括但不限于招聘、入学前咨询、入学指导、暑期课程、诊断测试、经济援助跟进、特殊录取、入学前指导、学术咨询、辅导、技能学习服务以及个人、教育和职业咨询。
如果您有兴趣,EOP 的要求如下:
需要入学协助作为例外录取,或符合常规录取要求但在 EOP 人员看来需要全方位的协助才能成功。